Implant-Supported Dentures in Nashville

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implant-supported dentures

Implant supported dentures in Nashville are a type of dental restoration that provides a secure and stable foundation for dentures. Traditional dentures can slip or move when eating, talking, or laughing, but implant supported dentures are anchored securely in place with dental implants. These restorations are a popular solution for people who have lost multiple teeth or need to replace their entire arch of teeth.

How Are Implant-Supported Dentures Placed?

Implant supported dentures are dentures that are attached to dental implants, which are small, titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone. The dental implants act as anchors for the dentures, providing a strong and stable foundation. The number of implants required will depend on the individual case and the number of teeth being replaced. Implant supported dentures can be either removable or fixed.

The process of getting implant supported dentures typically involves several appointments. The first step is a consultation with a dentist or oral surgeon to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. During the procedure, the dentist or oral surgeon will place the implants into the jawbone. Over the next few months, the implants will fuse with the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once the implants have healed, the dentures can be attached to the implants.

What Are the Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant supported dentures offer several advantages over traditional dentures. One of the biggest benefits is stability. Traditional dentures can shift or move, making it difficult to eat or speak properly. Implant supported dentures are securely anchored in place, which means that they stay in place when eating, speaking, or laughing.

Another benefit is that implant supported dentures can improve oral health. When teeth are lost, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate. This can cause the face to sag, making a person look older. Dental implants help to stimulate the jawbone, which can prevent bone loss and preserve facial structure.

Implant supported dentures are also more comfortable than traditional dentures. Because they are anchored in place, they do not put pressure on the gums, which can cause discomfort or soreness.

Who can get implant supported dentures? Implant supported dentures are a good option for people who have lost multiple teeth or need to replace their entire arch of teeth. They are also a good option for people who are unhappy with their traditional dentures and want a more stable and comfortable restoration.

Who is Eligible for Implant-Supported Dentures?

To be a good candidate for implant supported dentures, a person should have good oral health, adequate bone density in the jawbone, and be in good overall health. People who smoke or have certain medical conditions may not be good candidates for dental implants.

Are You Ready to See if Implant-Supported Dentures Are Right for You?

Implant supported dentures provide a secure and stable foundation for dentures and offer several advantages over traditional dentures. They are a good option for people who have lost multiple teeth or need to replace their entire arch of teeth. If you are interested in implant supported dentures, call us to see if you are a good candidate. By taking the first step and seeking professional advice, you can be on your way to achieving a beautiful, functional smile.